Friday, 26 December 2008

Childhood memories

hello again,
Here's something you've been waiting for - a photo of me. To be honest I like the photo. What's more I think I look nice (modestly speaking) in the photo but I've also come up with the reason why, which is very little, if any, similarity between me then and me now.
In terms of memories, I remember visits at my grandma's place. There were always lots of us; lots of uncles, aunts and cousins, in particular. Therefore, the time we spent together was cheerful and joyful. Before that, however, there was a journey to be overcome by my family which didn't belong to the most pleasant things in the world since there was five of us, not counting my parents who took the front seats, and the little fiat 126p - so you can imagine the torture we had to go through. Fortunately, we were small at that time which made it easier. Nevertheless, the fights for the seats by the windows (I'm sure some of you know the pain of) and others (among them those caused simply by small spaces which are, as you all must have heard of if not experienced, conducive to spoiling relationships) made the car smaller than it really was.
By the way, I'd like to say a good word about fiat 126p which never dissapointed us, (contrary to the next car we had, no matter what it was) despite the tough conditions, which probably belong to the past, resulting from the season.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year:)


AgataL said...

You mean the FIVE of you sitting in the back seat of a maluch? Unbelievable! I hope your grandmother's place wasn't very far away :)

isska said...

I love the huge teddy bear next to you!:)