Friday 23 January 2009

Great expectations

I don't know whether Obama will bring change to the whole world or not but he's already a hero for me in a sense that he had the guts to fill all those people with hope that so much will change. Actually, all politicians say pretty much the same. Nevertheless, you don't believe all of them. In fact, you may not believe Obama either, but hope, he fills you with, is something you can't really control. Isn't it, by the way, that hope is unconditional? But what I wanted to say is you have to be either crazy or courageous out of measure or the third option is thirsty for power to fill the people with hope and great expactations. It's such a great challenge, almost equal to performing miracles, to satisfy all of them. I know one person can do a lot, and you can even read about many people who, one could say, performed miracles of that kind, but still, how can you expect that one person will change everything. We should keep in mind that we're all responsible for this world and we shouldn't blame a single person, like Obama, if it doesn't work, at least, as long as he/she tries and has good intentions. Besides we should be careful with our expectations because the more we expect the less we appreciate some smaller changes that we would normally, that is, not expecting, appreciate.
Nevertheless, I hope that someday Obama will turn out to be one of the people who brought change to this world.

1 comment:

koozaa said...

You're right, as long as Obama tries to bring any change it's cool. Let's get to some work, we're responsible, too. Thanks!