Tuesday 26 May 2009

In five years...

when I'll have my Ph.D. written, I'll start preparing myself for the contest "Dance Your Ph.D.", which is, of course, the only reason why I'm going to bother to write the Ph.D.:)))

Check this out.

By the way, could anybody explain me this one, not that I understand the ones above, but this one particularly intrigues

Now that you know about the contest, I think you should consider writing your Ph.D. more seriously:P

Tuesday 14 April 2009

FreeRice and others alike

Enrich your vocabulary and help end world hunger by providing free rice, drinking water etc. with help of the sponsors who advertise on the following sites:


Friday 23 January 2009

Great expectations

I don't know whether Obama will bring change to the whole world or not but he's already a hero for me in a sense that he had the guts to fill all those people with hope that so much will change. Actually, all politicians say pretty much the same. Nevertheless, you don't believe all of them. In fact, you may not believe Obama either, but hope, he fills you with, is something you can't really control. Isn't it, by the way, that hope is unconditional? But what I wanted to say is you have to be either crazy or courageous out of measure or the third option is thirsty for power to fill the people with hope and great expactations. It's such a great challenge, almost equal to performing miracles, to satisfy all of them. I know one person can do a lot, and you can even read about many people who, one could say, performed miracles of that kind, but still, how can you expect that one person will change everything. We should keep in mind that we're all responsible for this world and we shouldn't blame a single person, like Obama, if it doesn't work, at least, as long as he/she tries and has good intentions. Besides we should be careful with our expectations because the more we expect the less we appreciate some smaller changes that we would normally, that is, not expecting, appreciate.
Nevertheless, I hope that someday Obama will turn out to be one of the people who brought change to this world.

Friday 16 January 2009

Teaching practice

After so many positive posts about teaching practice, I guess, it's time for a negative one: mine.
My attitude toward teaching when submitting my documents to TTC was not negative, in fact, now it isn't negative either. I think that the profession of a teacher can be very satisfying. I just couldn't imagine myself as a teacher, as a good teacher. I never thought I was predisposed to become a good teacher, and guess what? After my first ten lessons, is it because of the power of subconscious or something else, it seems I was right. Well, my worst problem, as a matter of fact, the one I was most afraid of, was discipline. The funniest thing is the fact that I am after my practice in primary school. What is it going to be like in junior high school then?
Furthermore, I was never satisfied with my preparation for the lessons. There was always not enough time. I'm afraid that work, practice and studies is too much for me. How can you conduct a good lesson if you're sleepy, tired and so you lack energy and enthusiasm. I don't know how people manage to combine all three. I'm aware of the fact that later it's not going to be any easier; there will always be something that will require to be combined.

Friday 26 December 2008

Childhood memories

hello again,
Here's something you've been waiting for - a photo of me. To be honest I like the photo. What's more I think I look nice (modestly speaking) in the photo but I've also come up with the reason why, which is very little, if any, similarity between me then and me now.
In terms of memories, I remember visits at my grandma's place. There were always lots of us; lots of uncles, aunts and cousins, in particular. Therefore, the time we spent together was cheerful and joyful. Before that, however, there was a journey to be overcome by my family which didn't belong to the most pleasant things in the world since there was five of us, not counting my parents who took the front seats, and the little fiat 126p - so you can imagine the torture we had to go through. Fortunately, we were small at that time which made it easier. Nevertheless, the fights for the seats by the windows (I'm sure some of you know the pain of) and others (among them those caused simply by small spaces which are, as you all must have heard of if not experienced, conducive to spoiling relationships) made the car smaller than it really was.
By the way, I'd like to say a good word about fiat 126p which never dissapointed us, (contrary to the next car we had, no matter what it was) despite the tough conditions, which probably belong to the past, resulting from the season.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year:)

Sunday 14 December 2008

here's a piece of me - my music.

I came across this song not a long time ago. Unfortunately, I can't play you the version I've heard for the first time. Instead, you'll hear the original one - which is a bit old. Nevertheless, it wasn't just the music or the singer's voice that attracted my attention but it was also the lyric.

My hometown

very briefly about my home town:
I come from a village called Gościejewo.
Never heard of?
Don't worry you haven't missed anything.
Generally, there's nothing but a few houses. Actually there are about 1000 inhabitants but they are all distributed throughout a bigger area.
There's nothing worth seeing but fields. Everywhere fields.
The best thing about the place is the railway station so that you can leave the place whenever you want. That is, whenever the train deigns to stop since it's a very small and rather unimportant stop. But when it finally stops you can go wherever you want... through Poznań, of course.

Here are some photos of my place taken from the top of a silo by my brave sister (though not the one you can see in the corridors of KJO).

It doesn't look bad, does it? at least from the bird's eye view.